Author Image Jon Wadsworth

With over two decades of experience working in the trade industry, Jon knows that practicality, durability, and comfort are essential. It’s all about what your workwear can do for you. Jon’s belief that a brand is only as good as the clothing, footwear, or tool it's stamped on means he won’t settle for anything but the best workwear he can find.
keep pants up

3 Hacks to Keep Your Pants Up When You’ve Got a Big Belly

Carrying a big belly like me and struggling to keep your pants up? These 3 tricks will save you the hassle of constantly readjusting while you’re working.
can work boots cause back pain

Can Work Boots Cause Back Pain? 4 Reasons Why and How to Stop the Hurt

These are the most common ways your boots could be causing you back pain and what you can do to stop the hurt, once and for all.
steel toe vs soft toe

Steel Toe vs Soft Toe Boots: Which One Should You Get?

Come learn the pros and cons of steel toe vs soft toe boots so you’ll know which one to go for to make your work day safe and comfortable. 
what is a steel shank

What is a Steel Shank in a Boot? Everything You Need to Know

In this guide, I’m covering what a steel shank is, why you might need one, why you might not need one, and some alternatives to watch out for.  
can you put steel toe boots in the dryer

Can You Put Steel Toe Boots in the Dryer? 6 Best Alternatives

Are your steel-toe boots soaked? To make your life easier and avoid the pitfalls, I’ve put together the best ways to dry your steel-toe boots.
can you wear steel toe boots on a plane

Can You Wear Steel Toe Boots on a Plane? Answers From TSA

Still wondering - can you wear steel toe boots on a plane? To help you avoid the stress, I’ve put together what the TSA says about it.